‘This Time Next Year’ tag

Hello. Looks like I’m back for some more self-reflecting (oh no), courtesy of Pippa over at Pippa Posts, AKA my uni chum, who tagged me to do the ‘This Time Next Year’ tag. Essentially, it’s based off of the ITV show, in which people share the changes they’d like to make within the next three hundred and sixty-five days and then, through the magic of television, we get to fast forward and see how they did. Yes, British TV is just that good. But I do love the idea of making some resolutions for 2017, especially as 2016 was a little on the ‘meh’ scale. Let’s get motivated and do this. Yes? Yes.

So… The Rules:

  • Thank the person who tagged you.
  • Write your goals for next year.
  • Write how you’re going to achieve your goals.
  • Tag at least five of your blogger friends to share their goals.
  • If you wish, in 365 days write a post about whether or not you were successful!

My Goals:

1. Start making my dreams a reality!

Sounds like an intense one to begin with, but there are two things I desire most in this life which, conveniently, are somewhat one in the same. I want to be a writer by trade and by nature (I think I’m using that phrase correctly). By which I mean I want to be paid to write, but I also want it to take over my entire existence. I want to put my degree in Journalism to good use and become just that. That said, I have already been paid to produce articles, so I guess you could say I already am a writer. But I want to sit in an office with a sparkly iMac in front of me and colourful post-it notes stuck to every inch of the screens circumference; with lists upon lists of do this and do that by x, y and z. I want to be in an environment that thrives off of the words I and others feverishly stab into keyboards, working towards the goal of hitting that ‘publish’ button or pulling together the pages of a magazine. I’m not saying I want that by the end of 2017, but I want to start looking, enquiring and have the feeling as though I’m getting there.

On the same side of the coin (but also sort of not), I want to get back into writing creatively again and make headway with the ideas buzzing around my head every day about that first novel. Because, for the past six months, I have been mulling over putting to bed the fic writing and doing something for me. Writing about something that I care about and that effects me on a daily basis and actually begin the journey of maybe, perhaps, one day, if it’s not too much to ask, becoming an author. But to do any one or both of these things (both, please!), I need to set those wheels into motion and not be afraid of rejection or the inevitability that it takes time and doesn’t just happen overnight. Long story short: my first resolution is to write.

2. Keep blogging and get organised!

Over the past six months, I feel I’ve finally found my niche within blogging. Books and more books, with a heavy helping of my own personal journey and feelings about life. I’m more passionate and more active than perhaps I’ve ever been and I’d like to keep it up. But I’d also like to be a little more consistent and have at least something going up each week. I’m also hoping 2017 will have me plucking up the courage to interact and work with both publishers and authors and have this be a… more professional hobby? (That’s what I’m calling it, anyway.) And not only publishers and authors but fellow bloggers, too. I see so many people interacting and writing for one another and although I definitely think I’ve made some lovely new friends, there’s always room for more. With retail work practically taking over my life right now, sometimes there’s only room to be a social butterfly online. Heh.

3. Workout more.

And by more, what I actually mean is… workout in the first place. I’m never going to be a gym babe or whatever they’re called. I’ve never been particularly good at sports and I always feel about two seconds away from passing out whenever I do try and do an exercise DVD, or — shock horror — go for a run. But when I finished university, I did begin to try and run everyday and was successful for a good few weeks. However, with a job and just… general laziness, I’ve given up before it could become a habit. So, I’m hoping to try and get back to running. Every day or even every other day is a little amibtious, but I’d like to try and fit in some form of physical activity (oi, oi) at least once or twice a week. One, because it’s good for you. And two, because girl’s got some chub on her belly that needs to shift, at least a little. I feel far happier in my body than I did a couple of years ago and I’ve accepted I won’t look like her, or her, or her. But that doesn’t mean I can’t at least make this curvaceous body of mine a little more toned and a little less flabulous. (That typo was very intentional.) (I was trying to be punny.)

4. And finally… be happier!

If you’re a frequent reader of my blog, you might know I’ve been struggling with it recently. So, put simply, I want to make a more conscious effort to be happier and do more to be in a near constant state of it. In this sense, I kind of think this resolution also means to see friends (bonus points if you’re travelling to them), worry less about pleasing people, namely family; recycle and continue that 2015 mantra of putting yourself out there. Live regardless of fears or worries. Your twenties are just another decade before you really, genuinely, maybe have to start growing up. Right? Right.

Bloggers I Tag:

Currently listening to #2


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